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Literally Hell

What's it all about

Literally Hell is about three demons named Damien, Lucy and Mary and they go on adventures and all kinds of shenanigans in Hell! The web-series is dark but hilaroius! It begins with Mary falling into Hell and transform into a hybrid demon after eating an apple from the Forbidden Tree.

At the moment the animated series is currently on temporary haitus but I am currently making some comics and funny illsturations which you can find on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Please do follow my work there. I'm also selling merch at redbubble aswell.

At the moment I am not looking for any funding yet. I fell like it would be better to make the Literally Hell web series popular first and then I can look into some funding. But once again, please do check out my merch at redbubble if you feeling like supporting the series. I am planning to make Literally Hell popular by sending it to some film festivals as well as sharing it on the interenet as much as I can. It is very challenging so if you do like my show then please do share it with your frineds.




1 Video
Sun 28 April 11:26am

Hi everyone.


Thought that I’ll give you guys an update. 


Lately I’ve been kinda struggling to come up with new ideas for funny Literally Hell comics. I know that I said that I’ll post some every day but it might have to be every other day now. Some of my recent illustrations have been a bit samey with my past work so that might be a sign to try something else. I’m going to try and write a few short scripts to see if that spring up some inspirations. Don’t worry though, I still have a couple of ideas for the next Literally Hell comics. So be sure to stick around for that. :)

I'll be posting new comics on Facebook, twitter and Instagram. Please do follow me there to see more of my work. :)

Thu 18 April 03:00pm
Hi everyone. :)

For those who don't know I am currently making some funny Literally Hell comics and drawings that I'm trying to do on a daily basis. I am posting them on Facebook, twitter and Instagram so please consider following me there as I'll make some more funny stuff. :)

Also, if you do like the first epsiode of Literally Hell then please do check out episodes 2 and 3 on my youtube channel. :)
There are no donations
Credits for Literally Hell episode 1

Animator/Writer/Director - Robert Poller

Sound designer - Callum Donaldson


Damien - Robert Poller

Lucy - Rebecca Heneghan

Damien's Son - Tom Davis

End credits song - JDawg00100

(NOTE: These are the crew for episode 1 only. Episodes 2 & 3 have different people woking on the show. Please check the credits there on my youtube channel)

You can send us a Direct Message with the "Message" button above, and click the follow button to keep up to date with this project.

At the moment Literally Hell is currently on a temprary haitus and therefore I am not looking for other collaboraters. However, I will uploade updates on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Normally I'd reccomend you to follow me on Facebook but the algorithm there sucks so please follow me on all three social media sites.

I am avaliable to do some freelance animation work on other projects but please do bare in mind that in the current state I am, I cannot do free animation work unfortuately. If you are interested in hiring me them please do contact my email which is robertanimation984@gmail.com
At the moment Literally Hell is currently on a temprary haitus and therefore I am not looking for other collaboraters. However, I will uploade updates on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Normally I'd reccomend you to follow me on Facebook but the algorithm there sucks so please follow me on all three social media sites.

I am avaliable to do some freelance animation work on other projects but please do bare in mind that in the current state I am, I cannot do free animation work unfortuately. If you are interested in hiring me them please do contact my email which is robertanimation984@gmail.com