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Chris Dyer Presents

What's it all about

'Chris Dyer Presents' is a mockumentary series presented by Chris Dyer, who explains that all the history you've never read or heard about is actually incorrect. Chris Dyer straddles comic territory between Alan Partridge, Philomena Cunk and Enrique Iglesias, and has a bright future in television programming because his cousin runs the History Channel. Or so he claims.

We are also making other stand-alone sketches - check out our YouTube channel!




1 Video

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Joel Bradbury
Bartek Calka
Michael Croghan
Peter Curry

You can send us a Direct Message with the "Message" button above, and click the follow button to keep up to date with this project.

We are open to collaborative work on sketches, and would in particular be looking for people with filmmaking and editing experience.

We would also be keen to help other sketch groups.
We are open to collaborative work on sketches, and would in particular be looking for people with filmmaking and editing experience.

We would also be keen to help other sketch groups.