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The Dump

What's it all about

The Dump is unapologetically close to the bone, bold and out there as far as you can go take a look through the keyhole to find the working class in all their glory. With idiots, whores and weirdo's a plenty and questionable behavour is rife.

The Dump 10 minute pilot has been produced, shot and is in the edit suit as I tap these keys. Coming up in that episode is an introduction to The Dumps morning meeting where Gary thinks he got Heather pregnant by wanking on her toilet seat, Dalton has worried Luke by mentioning it's national suicide day and Bruce uses bacon to forget that his ex wife (I mean wife) has left him. All this before the front gate has been opened.

Chuck on your high vis and join the journey.




1 Video
Sat 25 April 09:59am
In these strange times The Dump full cast came together (virtualy) to have a read through of the full pilot episode.

It went so well I decided to put a little production value and music to it and make a full episode for you to watch.

So here it is.

Matt Harris

Matt Harris

That was terrific! So great to see how the show's developing. Great job Robert and team.

Sat 04 January 10:57am
Hello fans of The Dump, now the madness of Christmas and New Year has suppassed we can all get back to somekind of normality and The Dumps journey can continue.

Please take a look at The Dump Sitcom fb page, we are over 1500 members and growing daily, please invite your comedy loving friends.

I would like to please ask you to take a look at another show on The Comedy Crowd called A COMEDY OF GAMERS, its a rising show on Comedy Crowd and I am a huge fan.

Thank you for your support and lets make 2020 a big year for The Dump.
Wed 11 December 09:26pm
The Dump has been featured in my local magazine.
I am amazed by the local support.
Thank you so much
Sat 07 December 12:53pm
The Dump made it onto The British Comedy Guide this week, I am so honoured to be on such a huge iconic platform.

Thank you so much to the BCG team.
Sat 12 October 09:47am
The Dump made it to the heights of the BBC offices this week.

Exciting times
Laurence Mitchell

Laurence Mitchell

Briliant, cant wait to see the next episode. Really gets down to the bone

Robert Rivett

Robert Rivett

Thank you Laurence, that is exactly what I wanted to achieve. To make a show that is unique and not afraid to be bold. I feel the world needs a show like this now more than ever. Fingers crossed!!

Sun 01 September 10:07am
Hello fans of Robert Rivett's The Dump Sitcom,
Just a quick update to let you all know The Dump has been entered into a number of festivals and possible screening which is very exciting.
If you are a fan of the number 1 show The Dump on Punkanary.com but are yet to see the 10 minute pilot please comment below and I will send you the password for the link below.
Once again I would like to thank all of you for making The Dump the top followed show on Punkanary.com with almost 200 fans. Without your support and backing I am just a bloke doing something over there! 
Much love to you allx
CJ Belgrave

CJ Belgrave

Hi Robert, I came across your show and would very much love to view the 10 minute pilot show. I look forward to hearing from you soon

Jonathan Harden

Jonathan Harden

Hey I'd love to be able to watch the pilot.

Sun 11 August 03:24pm
The Dump and it's creator are now on Twitter, were down with the kids (not in a grooming way) join Roberts comedy revolution.
There are no donations
Writer/ Producer - Robert Rivett
Director - James Midgley - Socialbox.agency
Camera/ Lights - Matthew Clarke-Irons - MCI
DIT - Zak Pelz
Sound - Anthony Arghrou
Make-Up/ Hair - Maria Pavlou - @paintedbymaria
Photography - Sophie Tanza - tanzaphotography.com
Runner - Ben Richards
Catering - Vicki Noe & Charlotte Foxon
First Aider - Jackie Rivett

Scott Barrington - Bruce
Ciara Pouncett - Heather
Nicholas Pople - Gary
Joe Tremain - Luke
Harris Vaughan - Dalton
The Tramps -
Danny Mcglynn
Dave Rivett
Robert Rivett

Music - Gary Davis (MAZE)

You can send us a Direct Message with the "Message" button above, and click the follow button to keep up to date with this project.

I am looking to get exposure for The Dump, no collaborations at this time.
I am looking to get exposure for The Dump, no collaborations at this time.