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Thinking Inside the Box

What's it all about

Two box office staff ransack their intellect in response to life's big questions; consciousness, existence, the self... and what Buddhist's make of Marmite.

We follow their philosophical musings as they battle boredom, apathy and the general public, wrestling through the day while struggling to think outside the box.

Instantly recogniseable to anyone who has spent time in customer service, and essential viewing for anyone who hasn't.


The idea behind the project was to create a series of sketches which would allow a large body of work to be filmed in a short amount of time. The goal was to create a conversation for every week in the year so we have 52 episodes written and ready to be filmed.




1 Video
Sat 25 January 06:33pm
Episode 35

Greenwich Mean Time. Makes you proud doesn't it? It's like Britain's greatest export. The car industry might be fucked, but everyone still needs time.

Sat 25 January 06:32pm

Episode 34

It's getting out of hand now isn't it? Everything is hooked up to the grid. Soon the machines will be taking our jobs.

Sat 25 January 06:17pm

Episode 33

Will tries something new called polyphasic sleeping. It's supposed to make you more productive, but he's knackered.

Sat 25 January 06:17pm

Episode 32

Is the glass half full or half empty? The problem is, even if it's half full, it's still just a glass. Nothing to get too excited about.
Sat 25 January 06:16pm

Episode 31 - Evil

Halloween Special.

It's halloween. And there's evil out, every where you turn. Will does what he has to do.
Sun 27 October 11:50am
Episode 30 - Potential

Jess feels like she's not living up to her potential. But the thing is the moment you use your potential, it's gone. You don't want to waste it.

Sun 27 October 11:39am
Episode 28 - The Secret

What is it with KFC and their secret blend of herbs and spices? You'd think they were guarding the secret of life or something.
There are no donations
Sam Gould and Chloe Christodoulou have been a writing/filmmaking partnership for a number of years.
Their first project, 'London:A Guide for the Naive', was a spoof documentary tourist guide to London which drew attention from a number of places including Time Out.

They followed this up with 'The Story of Our Time' which was a finallist in the London Sundance Film Competition, and a number of shorts which have been selected in various festivals.

'Melbourne: A Guide to Living' was the sequel to the London guide and screened at the Melbourne International Documentary Festival.

Paul Carroll and Jennifer Byrne have worked on a number of highly acclaimed projects for both stage and screen.

You can send us a Direct Message with the "Message" button above, and click the follow button to keep up to date with this project.

In terms of development we have a team ready to film these and the task for us will be to create a marketing campaign behind it to build an audience that could then be taken on to the next project. But we are always interested in meeting new future collaborators; writers, actors, producers, editors etc.

We have always worked with a small and collaborative team, preferring a casual on-set atmosphere without the pressure of a larger crew.

This project could certainly be developed into a larger format sitcom set in a cinema and expanded to include the projection room, concessions counter and bar, with episodes focussed around training, premieres and other events.

But for the time being our development plan will be to raise some money to put this series into festivals and create a following online.
In terms of development we have a team ready to film these and the task for us will be to create a marketing campaign behind it to build an audience that could then be taken on to the next project. But we are always interested in meeting new future collaborators; writers, actors, producers, editors etc.

We have always worked with a small and collaborative team, preferring a casual on-set atmosphere without the pressure of a larger crew.

This project could certainly be developed into a larger format sitcom set in a cinema and expanded to include the projection room, concessions counter and bar, with episodes focussed around training, premieres and other events.

But for the time being our development plan will be to raise some money to put this series into festivals and create a following online.