We are crowdfunding! Own shares in your very own comedy channel - reserve your shares here

A defence of upskirting

What's it all about

Parnaby is quite open to relating whatever thoughts are on his mind. The videos are a mix of surreal stories or a satirical look at topical subjects portrayed through Parnaby's unique, and at times, unpleasant personality.

The show comprises of an unspecified number of video's of between one to four minutes long with Parnaby giving his reaction to recent cultural and political developments.

As well as this there is also an animation project I'm currently involved in of which I'll be posting work in progress video's at a later date with the intention of ultimately creating an animated sketch show.




1 Video

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Daniel Swann - Can you believe I made this all on my own?

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I would be interested in speaking to writers, voice actors and most of all animators who share a love of dark comedy.
I would be interested in speaking to writers, voice actors and most of all animators who share a love of dark comedy.