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What's it all about


The Channel will feature short sketches featuring either Tommy alone or with family and friends.

For example, The Queue, Tommy standing at the front of various Bus queues, not moving, then keeps the passengers waiting, before telling them that he isn’t getting the bus, he just likes queues and people dont queu like they used to in his day, then walks off.

Monologues performed and recorded at Open Mic venues in and around the Northwest UK. For example Liam’s story, a story about Tommy and his Grandson, comic tragedy around mental Health.

Stand Up shows featuring Tommy either performing or interviewing audiences as Tommy. I have spoken to promoter who are supporting the idea.

Sketches such as the restaurant Tommy and his Wife cause a fuss at a posh restaurant, but why?

Josie, (to the gentleman at at the next table) Excuse me, what was that before it was dead.

Gentleman, IT….. was NEVER alive, It’s a pecan risotto, I’m a vegetarian.

Josie, People should eat animals that die of natural causes, we wouldn’t need vegetarians then

Gentleman, I beg to differ.

Josie, (telling the Gentleman off) well your just ruining it for everyone then.

So far I have created everything on my iPhone. I would like external mics to enable me to do outside filming some clips from a distance and lighting for inside, also to have a more complex editing facility. That’s the frustrating part trying to add music etc.




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Goal £1,000
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As above. So far.

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Pat Kirk (me), creating all the characters playing Tommy, writing, editing and producing all sketches, on an iPhone learning each task as I go. It has been great fun, stressful frustrating, testing and satisfying.

Zoe Matthews Actor/ Director, The interpretation of the script for Josie is from Zoe’s wealth of talent and experience.

Vicky Green Actor. @honor_soapbox Stand up Comedian/Radio Northwich DJ

I plan to collaborate with a number of stand up’s to develop characters to support Tommy’s community.
I never planned to perform, and am happy to stay behind the scenes, I am more than happy for someone to develop Tommy’s character. I only started stand up, because it was the only way I could see if what I was writing was funny, so I have tested some of the material on the open mic stand up comedy circuit in and around Manchester over the last eight months. Including performing at the Greater Manchester Fringe Festival and it’s worked out well. So for now, I intend to continue to try the material on the Open Mic Circuit.
Pat Kirk (me), creating all the characters playing Tommy, writing, editing and producing all sketches, on an iPhone learning each task as I go. It has been great fun, stressful frustrating, testing and satisfying.

Zoe Matthews Actor/ Director, The interpretation of the script for Josie is from Zoe’s wealth of talent and experience.

Vicky Green Actor. @honor_soapbox Stand up Comedian/Radio Northwich DJ

I plan to collaborate with a number of stand up’s to develop characters to support Tommy’s community.
I never planned to perform, and am happy to stay behind the scenes, I am more than happy for someone to develop Tommy’s character. I only started stand up, because it was the only way I could see if what I was writing was funny, so I have tested some of the material on the open mic stand up comedy circuit in and around Manchester over the last eight months. Including performing at the Greater Manchester Fringe Festival and it’s worked out well. So for now, I intend to continue to try the material on the Open Mic Circuit.