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A Comedy of Gamers

Watch Full Series On Demand

What's it all about

Join four dysfunctional gamers for the ride of their lives, when a digital gaming assistant shows up to knock them into shape.

Follow Andy, Georgia, Edmund and Tony as they face their biggest gaming challenge ever. Meet CYNDI, an AI training programme, who’s going to make them the best gamers they can be, whether they like it or not.

FIRST SEASON coming early 2020.

Follow us NOW for an exclusive preview of Episode One.




1 Video
Mon 06 April 06:58pm


Dear Comedy Crowders,

We hope you’re all doing well and making the best of lockdown.  We can share the launch dates for A Comedy of Gamers, and some ways you can help us get the word out.

We're amazingly proud of what the team has achieved together and we're really looking forward to sharing it with you all this week.  A Comedy of Gamers has already been accepted as an ‘official selection’ for the 2020 UK Offline Webfest-  a great endorsement to get before we’ve even launched!

First episode Premiere

We're going to launch the first episode of A Comedy of Gamers on our YouTube channel next Saturday (11 April).  

  1. Please subscribe to the channel and get ready to watch.  

  2. Let Matt know ASAP if you’d enjoy being part of a short (15 minute) YouTube Premiere session on 6pm on Saturday.  If there’s enough demand we can watch together and share comments.

Here are some social media links that you can also share:

Our final trailer on YouTube (embedded above too!).

Follow the show on twitter (and re-tweet our trailer there).  

Like our Facebook page and join our Facebook group (and again share the trailer here).

Instagram and TikTok are also planned soon.  We'll keep you posted.

Thanks everyone for all your support so far. Stay safe and keep in touch.
Tue 25 February 07:32pm

A COMEDY OF GAMERS: Premiere Event, Saturday 21 March

Dear A Comedy of Gamers supporters,

Thanks everyone for your continued support and encouragement and many thanks to everyone who gave us their feedback on our first episode.  I’m excited to say we’re getting very close to a full launch for the show!

I’m running a Premiere Event for ‘A Comedy of Gamers’ on Saturday 21 Match from 7.30pm in Hampton, TW12.  

Most of our cast and crew will be there for drinks, canapes, lots of fun chat and the first chance to see all five episodes of our first season. I have a capacity of around 40 people and if you can make it you’d be very welcome to join. Please let me know asap whether you can come and let me know if you know any comedy or gaming fans who you think would like to join us.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Matt Harris

Wed 08 January 05:21pm


Hi there Comedy Crowd fans,

I have exciting news.  As of this week 'A Comedy of Gamers' has an entry on the British Comedy Guide.  You can check out our dedicated page right here:


Big thanks to everyone who’s offered feedback on the first episode.  It’s great to hear how you’re enjoying it so far.

For anyone who’s joined since Sunday evening- I’ll send out another message with the link and the password for episode one this coming Sunday.  PLEASE keep encouraging gamers, geeks and comedy fans to sign up and join our test audience.

Sun 05 January 09:00pm

TEST LINK OUT NOW! Comedy of Gamers Episode One

Dear Comedy Crowd Supporters,

I’ve sent out an email this evening with a link and a password to our first episode and some feedback questions for you.

The formatting on the message went a bit funny. Drop me a line (or comment below) if you have any issues with the link.

Thanks again for all your support and encouragement (and welcome everyone who’s joined us in the last week)!

Matt Harris

Thu 26 December 10:19am


4 gamers, 1 AI gaming assistant, lots of trouble!

Hi there Comedy Crowd fans,

I’m excited to be able to share our official trailer with you.  I’ve updated our page and you’ll find the trailer AT THE TOP.

PLEASE SHARE with everyone you think would enjoy it.

We’re going to share an exclusive preview of our first episode with all our Comedy Crowd fans, starting next week.   Please try and make some time to share your feedback with us.

Full series coming 2020!

Brad Holcombe

Brad Holcombe

Looks great guys! Looking forward to seeing the series.

Murray W. Arbiter

Murray W. Arbiter

Nice one Matt. Good luck Murray.

Robin Bell

Robin Bell

Game on, looking forward to it!

Sat 14 December 10:51am


Dear Comedy Crowd fans,

We’re  excited to announce that our Writers Room for A Comedy of Gamers: Season 2 is now officially open.  If you’re interested in writing for the show there’s still time to come on board.

CLICK HERE for 19 pages of show notes for our writers, explaining all about the show and how we want to write together.

We’ve kicked off our 'ideas gather' for Season 2 today.  The first Writers Room calls will begin in January 2020.

STAY TUNED for news of our trailer and news about a special preview of our first episode.

Best wishes,

Matt and Calvin

Fri 08 November 01:03pm

WRITERS ROOM & SET VISIT: Comedy of Gamers October news

Hi there Comedy of Gamers supporters,

Here’s our latest newsletter!  Click here to read all about our recent work, including some great stills from the show.

We’ll release an early version of our first episode as soon as we can right here on The Comedy Crowd (make sure you’re a fan of the show).

We’re going to run first meetings of our virtual writers room  on 25 November and 2 December.  If you’d be keen to write for the show then please drop us a line.

We’re also going back to film the footage that got away, in Edmund and Tony’s room, on Saturday 30th November.  If you’re close to South West London and you’d like to visit the set then get in touch.

Thanks again for all your support.  We really appreciate all the interest and help that we’ve had so far.

There are no donations
Created and written by: Matt Harris & Calvin Peat


CYNDI: Orla Sanders
ANDY: Jon Beck
GEORGIA: Amber Doig-Thorne
EDMUND: Olly Jackson
TONY: Hai Le

Director of Photography: John Hoare
Sound recordists: Joe Worthy, Luca Alari-Williams and Ben Christopher
Graphics: Jordan Hudson
Music by: James Yan
Editor: Belal Ladkani
Editor: Dave Emery
Stunt Coordinator: Hai Le
Assistant Producer: Calvin Peat
Directed and Produced by: Matt Harris

You can send us a Direct Message with the "Message" button above, and click the follow button to keep up to date with this project.

We are looking for :

We’d love to assemble a team of writers to work together on our second season. If you want to write for a sitcom that actually gets made then come and join our writers room for A Comedy of Gamers.

As we prep for Season Two we'd be very happy to talk to any directors, producers or editors who are interested in helping make the show.

We'd also appreciate any help or advice with marketing and social media as we get Season One ready for a full launch from March.

And finally, if anyone would like to help us experiment with a laughter track we'd love to hear from you.

Our budget is tiny and all roles are unpaid so best suited to collaborators like us who want to work with great people and get better at making great content.

We welcome collaborators from all backgrounds. Our team is committed to being: supportive, creative, inclusive, professional and flexible. Please drop us a line if you’d like to know more.
We’d love to assemble a team of writers to work together on our second season. If you want to write for a sitcom that actually gets made then come and join our writers room for A Comedy of Gamers.

As we prep for Season Two we'd be very happy to talk to any directors, producers or editors who are interested in helping make the show.

We'd also appreciate any help or advice with marketing and social media as we get Season One ready for a full launch from March.

And finally, if anyone would like to help us experiment with a laughter track we'd love to hear from you.

Our budget is tiny and all roles are unpaid so best suited to collaborators like us who want to work with great people and get better at making great content.

We welcome collaborators from all backgrounds. Our team is committed to being: supportive, creative, inclusive, professional and flexible. Please drop us a line if you’d like to know more.

Drew Christie

Hello, super interested in helping out on this if possible! I write some sketches and am currently working on a pilot. Be good to help out, don't want you guys to Burnout 3: Takedown. Good luck with it all. Drew E: Drew.christie1989@gmail.com

Matt Harris

Hi Drew. That's great. I'll drop you a line and you can check out the scripts we've written for season one and figure out where to go from there.


Hi Guys I would love to be part of your project. I have two animation pilots made and a showreel which you can see here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exIqRWLPDwM&t=1s Email : dan_alexdj@yahoo.com

Matt Harris

Thanks Dan. I'll drop you a line very soon.

Aiden Lonergan

Hey Matt, Very interested in working on this as a writer and game fan! My script about gaming has seen great success this year in contests and made it on the Coverfly Red List. Drop me a line on aidenlonergan1@live.co.uk to chat. Keep up the good work!

Matt Harris

Hi Aiden, That's fantastic. I'll drop you a line as soon as I can.

Louise Atkinson

Hi, just procrastination and came across you guys saying you had a virtual writers room starting today (25/11). If possible, could I still get in on that? Writer and keen gamer - had to take my VR headset off to write this. Louiseatkinsoncomedy@gmail.com