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Fame Disease - 'Celebrity Disorder'

What's it all about

FAME DISEASE is based on an original idea by writer Nessa Wrafter and co-written by Simon Killick.

These sketches/webisodes are a co-production with Magic Alex Productions - Kate Magowan & John Simm's production company.

WHAT IS: Fame Disease is a series of comedy sketches which poke fun at contemporary society's obsession with fame. The main character is our therapist - a Ph.D. in Fame disease, (specialising in celebrity disorder), has made her an expert in her field. but just when she thinks she has seen it all...in walks another case.And with all the supposed glamour, comes a slew of side-effects.

WHY: A few reasons: Fame does strange things to people and can be a double-edged sword, instead of the promised land of perfection which it's often thought to be. Even if you've become famous for a skill beyond many others, sometimes the work gets lost in amongst the bullshit.Plus, the golden age of Hollywood is long gone, where in order to become a "star" one had to earn it with buckets of talent. Now we find ourselves in the age of Heat magazine and influencers. Perhaps we're showing our age, but we think there is something inherently ridiculous about becoming famous for simply talking your daily dose of bollocks on TV, or using anti-cellulite cream on the internet...

We have currently shot 2 episodes the first episode 'Celebrity Disorder' stars Kate Magowan and Kellie Shirley and 'the second episode The Rock Star' Starring Neil Stuke.

We are looking to develop this series further, we have more episodes written for short form content and also a pitch doc for a full series.


2020 Showcase - Famous Faces


1 Video

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Creator & Writer: Nessa Wrafter

Writer: Simon Killick

Production: Klick Productions & Magic Alex Productions.


Kate Magowan - The Doctor
Kellie Shirley - Mercedes
Simon Killick - Garry
Neil Stuke - The Rock Star

Executive Producers:

Nessa Wrafter
Kate Magowan
Simon Killick
John Simm

DOP: Neil Webster

Sound: Simon Coram

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No collaboration required at the moment