We are crowdfunding! Own shares in your very own comedy channel - reserve your shares here

Hashtag Blessed

What's it all about

This is designed to be a series of mock self help sketches based on the multitude of videos that hit our phone screens telling us how to live our lives as soon as lockdown happened. It is encapsulating how egotistical and self important social media can make us and makes a mockery of it.


2020 Showcase - How To


1 Video

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There are no donations
It is currently me and my flat mate "dresses" the set and costumes me and sets up the camera and hits record.

You can send us a Direct Message with the "Message" button above, and click the follow button to keep up to date with this project.

We are looking for :

I enjoy making content but struggle when it comes to any of the technicalities, so a team of experts to deal with everything surrounding the performance would be perfect.
I enjoy making content but struggle when it comes to any of the technicalities, so a team of experts to deal with everything surrounding the performance would be perfect.