We are crowdfunding! Own shares in your very own comedy channel - reserve your shares here

Knock Door. Run!

What's it all about

'Knock Door. Run!' follows the lives of a group of dysfunctional charity fundraisers as they trawl the streets of Manchester, searching for the ever more elusive donors they require. We use comedy and absurdity to highlight real world strifes faced by people in modern day Britain, both of those doing the job and the people they speak to.

We're currently half way through our 'sketchy,' mini-series which shows the characters in 2-3 minute shorts and have just wrapped shooting our full-length pilot, in part thanks to the support from the people at Punkanary and ComedyCrowd! Exciting times, stay tuned for updates!

Over the last year we've developed a following of 25,000 fans on facebook with our sketch comedy material and
we're currently growing our smaller more dedicated 'Knock Door. Run!' following!




1 Video
Tue 25 September 01:19pm
Hi, a little hello from us on our way to the Chorts festival!
Abel Graham
Marcus Christopherson
Josh Hart
Sam Hotchin
Jasmine Izli

You can send us a Direct Message with the "Message" button above, and click the follow button to keep up to date with this project.

No collaboration required at the moment