We are crowdfunding! Own shares in your very own comedy channel - reserve your shares here

Nappants (The Nick Spencer Dichotomy)

What's it all about

My sketch is part of a much larger catalogue of characters and sketches of which I’m working on developing into a series. By using and building the contacts I’ve been compiling I hate to get as much exposure and success as possible for my sketch show “The Nick Spencer Dichotomy”.


2020 Showcase - How To


1 Video

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There are no donations
My team are my dear friends who help me with editing, filming and locations but as I'm venturing out I'm very open to external offers of help and crew.

You can send us a Direct Message with the "Message" button above, and click the follow button to keep up to date with this project.

We are looking for :

At this stage in my career, I’m open to all of the above and more as I currently work alone or with a friend to film me, and my amazing editor friend makes it look great. So I’m very open to collaboration with all industry professionals as well as being open to collaborating with others on their work should they wish to include me.
At this stage in my career, I’m open to all of the above and more as I currently work alone or with a friend to film me, and my amazing editor friend makes it look great. So I’m very open to collaboration with all industry professionals as well as being open to collaborating with others on their work should they wish to include me.