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(188) Comedy Projects available in this category

Latest Comedy Projects

Tarka Wolf "Save the Scooters"


Possibly moved the character to a different place

Collaboration Needed

Sketchy 2 Fans

Thanks Celebrities


It was lockdown batton passed from Australia which included a team from the UK,...

Collaboration Needed

Sketchy 1 Fans

Work From Hole

Matt Zeqiri

We've all had to get a bit creative with our home workspaces recently. Here's my...

Sketchy 3 Fans


Jay Droch

ON THE SCENE is a parody news show, covering current and topical headlines and t...

Collaboration Needed

Sketchy 3 Fans

Goal £1,000

Covid School Sketch: Reopening

Lisa Ronaghan

The only safe place to be during coronavirus... School.

Sketchy 1 Fans

Running Quickly with Henning Tuft

Simon King

Henning Tuft is probably the quickest of all the runners out there. Well, more '...


Wham Bam Thank You Mam!

Sarah Johnson

Wham Bam Thank You Mam is a selection of short sketches, written and performed b...

Collaboration Needed

Sketchy 5 Fans

Lifetime Friendships Ep 11: Chauncey & Gary

Simon King

Much loved Daytime TV show 'Lifetime Friendships' returns to our screens with an...
